Of course, I went outside to get the pic and he FLEW over the fence right after I took the pic. First time. I got ahold of him and the scissors. He wont be doing that again until he regrows those flight feathers.
He is smaller than most ducks. Very short in stature. I got him in a surplus mix last year. (his name is Speckles)
Any idea of what he is would be great. His bill is yellow, we have had a lot of rain and he has mud on it. His tail is very curly, figure he is a boy. (no eggs at any rate)
He is smaller than most ducks. Very short in stature. I got him in a surplus mix last year. (his name is Speckles)
Any idea of what he is would be great. His bill is yellow, we have had a lot of rain and he has mud on it. His tail is very curly, figure he is a boy. (no eggs at any rate)