can you identify this rooster


5 Years
Apr 7, 2014
Windsor, pa
Perhaps he is too young and hasn't reached full mature feathering but I just can't place this guy. I thought I had two light brahmas but the second is definitely becoming more different so now I'm not sure.

Here is the first . Definitely light brahma. He is on the left.




Here they are together.light brahma is on the left again.



The Second one.
his comb is a single



Tail feathers sit different and are darker underneath. And have a much greener hue to them.



Any ideas?
Where did you get them, from a hatchery? If so, hatchery chickens don't always conform to breed standard. I'd guess he's still a Brahma, just with a wonked up comb. Still very handsome though!
I would have thought so except his waddles and comb are completely different than the brahma and his neck feathers are much narrower, longer, and almost spike like . His tail also sits completely different. They are beginning to grow much longer than the brahma and have much more color, the pictures just aren't very good. He is much more flighty than my brahma. He definitely has the single comb and the brahma has a pea. He also stands more upright but it may be because my brahma is spoiled daily with to many so he is more like a round ball :)
Well, its pretty common for hatchery birds to end up with the wrong combs, and other bits and pieces. Did you get him from a hatchery or a breeder? If he came from a breeder, maybe he was a part of someone's Columbian Cochin project? They have single combs, yellow skin and an overall more round appearance.
I got them at tractor supply. So no real hopes there I'm starting to think that they are just mixed with something as the light brahma has the right comb but the wrong tail feathers. The unsure one has the right tail feathers but the wrong comb and his feathers are strange. Either way they are cute :) I would say the unsure one may be Sussex mixed.... Do they come in bantam size? Or possibly cochin. I did have a cochin in the bunch but sadly it was killed.

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