Can you keep Serama chickens with normal chickens?


Free Ranging
6 Years
Jun 14, 2015
Ontario, Canada

I'm wondering if you can raise Serama chickens with my flock. I know that they're smaller than my other chickens so I want to know if they'll get picked on.

I would not. Most bantam breeds are more gentle and can be bullied and hurt by large breeds, so it's best to designate such tiny chickens their own coop and run.
I have very large fowl hens running with my bantams (silkies, polands and other bantams) I believe it depends on how much space you give them! mine free range so the little ones can get away if they need too :) as for seramas my cockerel is a serama and is the boss of all my large fowl (even tries to mate with them) even though they are 4 or 5 times the size of him so in my opinion as long as they have plenty of space they should be ok!
I have very large fowl hens running with my bantams (silkies, polands and other bantams) I believe it depends on how much space you give them! mine free range so the little ones can get away if they need too
as for seramas my cockerel is a serama and is the boss of all my large fowl (even tries to mate with them) even though they are 4 or 5 times the size of him so in my opinion as long as they have plenty of space they should be ok!

Ok thanks!!! I would call our pen space pretty big. I have a Silkie and she's fine. Really? That's so funny! Thanks again for your help. I would love to get some Serama's with our chicks this year but I didn't know how it would turn out.

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