Can you make a chicken go broody?

hello !!!

I am new iwant to learn with you all that fi there is another option to make chickens go broody
so tell me please

Typically, hens will not go broody in the fall and winter. There isn't enough daylight hours for production to be consistent. Some breeds tend to be very broody, others have had it bred out of them almost completely.
It's thought that most hens go broody in the early spring due to the change in daylight, signaling to the hen that spring and warm weather is on the way. Leaving a small clutch of dummy eggs in a nest might help encourage a hen prone to broodiness to start sitting.
But, there isn't much that can be done to 'make' a hen go broody. It either happens or it doesn't. You can't exactly force them.
My Girl is 5yrs old and never sat before. About a month ago when she was laying, I left her eggs and put in other fertile eggs every day until there was 10, she finally sat.
It worked for me exactly like you said, too
My 5yr old goldie was laying never broody . I left her eggs and put a few more, from the fridge (fresh farm)from our friends.《say that 10 times real fast》. While waiting for her, I looked for fertile eggs, by the time I found fertile, she had a chick!surprised me!! So now I'm incubating 12 eggs...I'll let y'all know what happens
Numerous times all spring, summer, and fall I have done like the post above. With nine different hens/pullets-all went broody. If presented with a clutch all at once the hen did not go broody. If dummy eggs (or the real ones) are left as the hen lays, one at a time, the hens all went broody.

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