Can you name this breed?


In the Brooder
Feb 24, 2015

Somewhat new to raising chickens. I am unsure what type of chicken this is. Can anyone help? Thanks a bunch.
Thanks for the help. I ordered chickens but do not think I got what I ordered. Had to put in a late order due to raccoons :(. Thanks for the welcoming.
Thanks. I am having trouble starting another thread. I was waondering if my super blue egg layer (rooster) can breed with my other hens. Next year I will want to add about ten birds to my flock. I have an incubator with egg turner. What are your thoughts? Waste of time? Sorry I can't start a new thread. I can't figure it out.
Sure he can. He'll have a great time doing it, too

Your resulting chicks will be kind of all over the place as far as egg color and feather color. One of the fun parts of hatching barnyard mixes, you never know what you're going to get. If your hens are brown eggers, you'll get a lot of green egger offspring pullets, but brown and possibly a pale blue aren't out of the question either.

I have a batch of chicks I just hatched out, a blue barred blue egger rooster...

over assorted hens. White and brown Leghorns, a few barred Rocks and some mixed breed blue egger hens. I have a brooder full of different colored chicks, it's crazy! And who knows what all color eggs I'll get come late spring....I'm going to enjoy finding out!

Not that I'm a hatching addict, or an enabler you understand....
That's good to know. I was not sure if it would work or not. The new chickens I have are much more fun to watch than the basic run of the mill ones I got at tractor supply. Found out I have another rooster because of this thread. My Easter egged was supposed to be a hen. I now have three roosters for 19 hens. I believe that's to many.

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