Can you open the lid in lockdown?


Jun 1, 2021
Cambridgeshire, UK 🇬🇧
I’m really stressing about this and it’s only day 7🤣 it’s my first time incubating eggs and have a question about the lockdown phase. I’ve read that you shouldn’t take the lid off during lockdown, but I have an incubator which requires you to fill it up with water each day, the most it could probably stretch is 2 days. The only way to fill it up is by taking the lid off and the eggs out quickly, would this be okay or not?
It is absolutely okay. There is some excess paranoia surrounding lockdown : ) I've handled my eggs during lockdown many times without issue.

Just have a padded place to set them where they won't roll or knock into each other, and if it is really cold, cover them with a towel.

Feel free to hold them to your ear for a few seconds and see if you hear any peeping 🥰
It is absolutely okay. There is some excess paranoia surrounding lockdown : ) I've handled my eggs during lockdown many times without issue.

Just have a padded place to set them where they won't roll or knock into each other, and if it is really cold, cover them with a towel.

Feel free to hold them to your ear for a few seconds and see if you hear any peeping 🥰
It is absolutely okay. There is some excess paranoia surrounding lockdown : ) I've handled my eggs during lockdown many times without issue.

Just have a padded place to set them where they won't roll or knock into each other, and if it is really cold, cover them with a towel.

Feel free to hold them to your ear for a few seconds and see if you hear any peeping 🥰
Okay Thankyou so much. Would it be a better idea to very quickly open the lid and give the eggs a spray instead? Or perhaps put a cup of water in?
Okay Thankyou so much. Would it be a better idea to very quickly open the lid and give the eggs a spray instead? Or perhaps put a cup of water in?
I would just refill with the standard method : ) Also, open it slowly for minimal air disturbance. But I promise, eggs aren't as fragile as it might seem, and some temperature shift won't hurt them.

I have finished lockdown eggs that were abandoned, with nothing but a damp rag, a heating pad and a thermometer with a alarm. I don't recommend it, but I've done it twice with 100% success : )
IMO it's more about what the humidity in your house is at the time.
If none have pipped or zipped you'll be fine. Here in the summer time I can have very low humidity in my house and opening it for just a minute has caused shrink wrapping.
IMO it's more about what the humidity in your house is at the time.
If none have pipped or zipped you'll be fine. Here in the summer time I can have very low humidity in my house and opening it for just a minute has caused shrink wrapping.
Very low humidity is an excellent point (I live with a high humidity cooler, so it never occurs to me.) @FlynnCahill If that is a problem, having a humidifier or a small pot of steaming water next to the incubator for about 10 minutes will definitely help.
I did a hatch assist once and completely steamed up the bathroom to get somewhere warm and humid enough to help.

With the eggs, they can easily withstand 30 mins outside ideals... Typically a broody would be off her nest 2-3 times a day for self-care as well, so you do not need to worry about opening for various reasons to weigh, candle etc... Just don't drop or jostle them too much and they'll be fine.

In lockdown, they are not turned so the chicks can move into position for hatch without being disoriented. The lid stays sealed to keep humidity high as the full size chicks are more hardy to temp fluctuations. Humidity is also all about surface area - a warm damp cloth or sponge will help get more water into the air faster - a good quick fix if you're struggling.

It will not be detrimental to the hatch as long as the humidity can be brought back up quickly once it's resealed. In some cases, you may need to remove overactive chicks early or provide assistance. While it's best to not interfere with the hatch because it's easy to help too early, don't be afraid to do what needs to be done if you do need get in there for whatever reason.

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