Can you overfeed chickens?

Your information above is 110% incorrect.....

Chicken will eat until they meet there caloric need, then they stop..
Do some research on the subject and you will find out that chickens don't over eat when fed a good feed and fed correctly..

Plenty of us free-feed and have no problems. If you're feeding them the right stuff, they eat what they need.
I think I have a fat pullet. 26 week old Cuckoo Marans. They have their feed and oyster/egg shell available all the time, they stuff themselves with it every morning, then they free range all day. They get "treat" food 3-4 times a week such as: warm oatmeal with BOSS or meal worms in it, leftover veggies, pumpkin. Not big portions.
They hang out under the bird feeder sometimes, gobbling up what the birds toss out. It's just this one girl that looks fat. None are laying yet. Does she look fat to y'all?

Yep...they can definitely overeat. These are not meat birds, not Cornish Cross broilers...just every day, run of the mill, garden variety dual purpose layer hens. Fed the same type of feed as all the others but showing a distinct difference than other birds of the same age and breeds that were processed at the same time. The first set of pics is a Plymouth White Rock hen, the second is a Red Sex Link hen, and the third is a Black Australorp....all fed the same range and 16% protein layer mash.

In case you are wondering what this next fat encased blob is...well...that's a gizzard.

That was evidence #1....this next pic is a different bird, same problem...I'd venture to say these gals have decidedly exceeded their caloric needs, wouldn't you?

Here's another...this one only shows the layers of fat on the outside of the bird...

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I'll chime in here too. "Under the bird feeder" sounds like she's eating sunflower seeds, a high fat item that will cause obesity and fatty liver if overfed. Hens that are older, or not laying eggs anymore but not sick, will get fat. Some breeds like Sussex are very likely to do that. I also free feed either layer or flock raiser, and limited treats. My birds free range and get a reasonable amount of exercise. I do have an old Favorelle who's arthritic and not very active; not thin either. Egg production is hard work for the hen, and I think free feed is best. Mary
i had 3 cups of leftover brown rice cooked firm and threw it out for them to eat. i'm worried my chickens will eat till they're sick, and i can't pick the rice back up lol i'm new at chicken stuff and kinda worried.
I wouldn't worry but three cups is a lot for a treat..... I have three coops with 10-12 hens in each and I give a handful of " treats", every now and then. Oats or corn , veggies or cooked eggs.

I free feed layer to them all and they are all perfectly healthy ... but treats should be treats
And I prefer to " treat " in the evening when they've ate layer feed and pasture grass all day....
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So I just started my flock. I got them from a local breaded. They are approximately 1yr old. I got 4on sat and 4 on mon. I haven't been around chickens for about 35 years so forgot most everything. I feed them twice daily, about 2 pounds each time, 18% laying ration. Is that adequate or too much? I throw it out in their run.
So I just started my flock. I got them from a local breaded. They are approximately 1yr old. I got 4on sat and 4 on mon. I haven't been around chickens for about 35 years so forgot most everything. I feed them twice daily, about 2 pounds each time, 18% laying ration. Is that adequate or too much? I throw it out in their run.
Welcome to BYC! Sounds like a lot, that seems like 4 pounds a day, right? Best to feed them in a feeder, what they do not eat in 15-20 min, take back. Or, use a free-feed feeder that they can get to all day, so the feed is not on the ground. It will attract mice and other animals if left on the ground, and get moldy if it gets wet. This is an old thread, you will get more answers if you start a new thread with your questions. :)

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