Can you please post pictures of you chicken coop?

Wow - what a cute coop and I love the wild west look of the enclosure. really nice!!
jan la banan
The paint job is not done yet or the pop door on this pic. I haven't taken new pics in a while.


Ok...this is mine...just started this spring. Shop kids had a building for $800...decided to use 1/3 of it for chickens and the other for mower, tiller, garden stuff.....well guess what?
It started out that way and now it's 1/3 garden stuff....2/3 chicken coop.....

Like I said it's not even close to being my dream coop but will be next year. We are building a huge run out the back in the spring. I had this great idea to just let my chickens free range but I learned quickly that you won't have anything left.
I did paint inside to brighten it up and make it look nice. I still am thinking of a name for it.
I know that a flowers in the spring will look nice. I want some shade...what kind of tree grows fast? I know I could get a maple for I want that?






My storage
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Holy Cow! I miss a day of BYC and tons of great coops get posted here. So many fresh ideas popping into my head after seeing all of your photos makes me want to start another one, but I have to finish Layers Lodge first.

Thank you everyone for the kind words about my coop. It has been a fun project so far. Now I have to explain to my 6 & 9 yr old kids that they will no longer have it as a playhouse and the chickens will. The 6 yr old asked if I could build another one for them
I am sooo inspired by all the coops on here, too bad i am severely lacking in the handywoman department. My coop is emberassing compared to everyone elses. We do plan on building a new better bigger coop someday but for now the bills take the cake.
Beautiful coop, but I have a question - how in the world do you fit 45 chickens in this little coop and run - do you have another one somewhere that you house them in? I have 6 RIR's in a coop that is 4x5 (just the floor space) plus the nesting box is 2.5 X 2 ft, giving them about 7.5 sqft per bird (if my math is correct) - along with their outside run of 12X12.

Maybe mine are in too big of a house??

All these coops are gorgeous - and that LODGE - HOLY COW! Wonder how many that one holds? LOL

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