Can you please post pictures of you chicken coop?

This was and I think always will be, my absolutely favorite coop from these boards. Just such talent and beauty (not to mention humor
) went in to it. I just adore it! Definitely a work of art!
wow asher....we really thank you!!
Hopefully we will have as much fun building the next one, DH just finished building me a new brooder, and we are going to be starting on the new coop soon. ('s COLD out)

Gopher boy.
I'm jealous...I wanted a built coop but my not so DH....:mad: Isn't really into the outside life these days....
I basically did most of the work on mine myself. YOu are very lucky! I have to bribe mine to do anything. That is very lovely and a piece of artwork...I'm still new at this and I'm sure my minibarn will be cute after I landscape it this spring....I still need a name????
With all the windows and lights coming from inside, it reminds me of a church. I think it is just much it's been there for a hundred years and has just gotten a fresh coat of paint. Great job, gopherpeople:)
This was and I think always will be, my absolutely favorite coop from these boards. Just such talent and beauty (not to mention humor
) went in to it. I just adore it! Definitely a work of art!

I totally agree..that is the best looking chicken coop EVER!!! Chicken Hilton for sure!!!
Here is our coop that we recycled from a rabbit hutch. Not as fancy as alot I see here, but our chickens love it! We put the coop behind metal siding that we used to make fencing. We needed the siding for security reasons here. Lots of dogs loose out here in the woods. :| We plan on adding a run real soon!

We are in Florida so we weren't as worried about warmth.


back of coop

This is our chicken coop! It's 4x8 and we have 8 New Hampshire Red hens and one NHR rooster. We also have two extra roosters which were our "free rare breeds", but we've found a home for one of them.
The outside of the coop is rough cut lumber from a local lumber yard stained. We got the window from a local junk/antique place.
We insulated the inside with R19 insulation and covered it with plywood. The floor has a piece of vinyl that we had from our bathroom renovation.
We had visions of a metal roof, but decided on the rolled roofing which was cheaper.


The pen is just chicken wire currently, but we bought the small gauge hardware wire and plan to use it to reinforce the bottom and fold it outward and bury it under the sod. We can't dig down 12 inches due to the amount of tree roots in the area.
We put together a perch of tree branches in the pen and they seem to enjoy that.


The chicken door opens by pulling on the string and attaches outside with an S hook on a nail. We think it's racoon proof because the racoon shouldn't be able to hold it open and still get inside. It's pretty heavy. The latch on the people door is too high for a racoon to reach.
The thing we should have done and didn't is put a piece of wood in front of the chicken door so the chips wouldn't fall out.
The NHR rooster is the first one out in the morning, every morning.

We tried a ladder style roost first, but this type is more successful. It's a 2x4 along the entire long side suported by a frame. They are all up there every night. This picture was taken with a flash, hence the look of suprise on their little chicken faces.
We still have to build the nest boxes and are still comtemplating the best location.


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