Can you please post pictures of you chicken coop?

Thanks for the kind comments on the recycled coop! Come springtime, I'll spruce that bad boy right up with some nice paint from the "oops" section at Home Depot. What a deal that is! I get a half gallon for $1. That's usually enough for my little projects.

I agree that completing a project using mostly or all recycled materials gives a person a real sense of accomplishment and pride. I was glowing for days.
The only thing that hasn't really sat well is that because I designed it myself and didn't spend a heck of a lot of time in the design, there are some BIG flaws. For example, the little yard is fenced in entirely because we have owls and coyotes around our place, and I did that before I realized that it would be nice to have a door flap for that pop door so that when it gets cold in the winter, it can shut at night. Or if I need to catch the chickens, I can shut the door and just reach in and get them from the covered area. If they get out into the pen, there's no way to reach them. The other problem is, it was supposed to be a tractor, meaning, movable! That it is NOT.
When I finally finished tacking on all that free lumber, it weighed so much I'd need a truck to move it. Oh well! Luckily, I put it in a fairly convenient location.
I posted these in another thread, but I'll just post these here too.

The larger coop. There's a trap door on a pulley system so I can open and close the door from outside of the fenced/netted chicken yard. The structure is made from panels of old garage doors. There is a garage door installer nearby and they keep old removed sections at the back of the building.

A view of the coop from the top. There are 3 nesting boxes in the larger coop.

The bottom two panels have hinges and open for access to the inside of the coop. The topmost panel is glass. This is cool because I can see the chickens in the coop.
lovemychicns, I love your little coop! I was wondering how many girls you have and how hard it is to clean. Do you have any pics of the inside? It is soooo cute!

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