Can you raise Bantams with Large birds?

Eric in NC

In the Brooder
11 Years
Dec 5, 2008
Going to order some chicks (first time I will have chickens since I was a kid). Will a few Sebrights survive and do well in a flock of Wyandottes and B Rocks if they are raised together from the beginning?
I am having no difficulties, and mine were not even started together. I have Jersey Giants, Giant Cochins, Standard Brahmas, Silkies, Belgian d'Everbergs, bantam cochins, and bantam brahmas. Don't know if that is typical or not, just my personal experience.
I've got 8 standard and 7 banty Ameraucanas. My smallest banty hen (aka Chicken Little) is at the top of the pecking order.
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Should be fine if they have enough space and proper care. Crowded, hot and stressful conditions can lead to cannibalism in any flock.

My little Phoenix and Hamburgs do just fine with the big girls, with chickens attitude is everything and these little guys have it!
I have a Red, a BR and several silkies. None were raised together. There is a pecking order, but noone gets hurt and everyone is fine.

In fact the Mrs Red (RIR of course) and Oprah (big fat black Silkies) were in the nest box together yesterday.
I have 4 RIR standard and 6 assorted banties. I had to rehome one banty as she was a polish and the big girls were pecking all her head feathers off. Other wise they all get along fine .
Yes you sure can. I have bantams, chickens, ducks and 2 turkeys all together. They all get on fine. In fact my cochin thinks she's a muscovey and will only hang with them and sleeps with them at night. I think she thinks she is too good for the other bantams:lol:
Cool - I thought so, just wanted to be sure. Any special things you folks do? (Bantam and standard height feeders or anything?)
I mix in some chick grit with the regular grit for the banties. Don't know if other folks do that. I also have the feed and water stations lower for the bantams.

I personally did have some issues with a standard hen (Faverolles, of all breeds) pecking her bantam cochin buddy's beak until it cracked, so I now keep my bantams in a separate coop and run. I imagine it's an individual issue as much as a space issue. Just keep a close eye on the little ones and make sure they don't get bullied. Good luck!

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