Can you sex a silver penciled Egyptian Fayoumi?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jan 29, 2008
Robinson, TX
Just got three silver penciled Egyptian Fayoumis straight run. How soon to tell the sex? Is it a wait and crow sort of thing?
Probably waiting until they're around 6-9 weeks would be your best bet. Male and female Fayoumis have the same basic coloring until the males get their white hackles. But at 6-9 weeks their comb development should be further along than the pullets'.
i agree

Probably waiting until they're around 6-9 weeks would be your best bet. Male and female Fayoumis have the same basic coloring until the males get their white hackles. But at 6-9 weeks their comb development should be further along than the pullets'.

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