Can you take a hen to a rooster for "stud" service?


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 5, 2009
Corvallis, OR
We live in the suburbs, and have all hens (we hope... they were sexed, but, you know). We couldn't have a rooster here.

Next spring, if we'd like to have a batch of chicks, can we take a few hens to hang with a rooster for a day? Will they... aquaint... that quickly? Some friends of mine live in the country, and do have a rooster.

What are your thoughts?

We have:

barred rock
black sex link
white leghorn
Yes, that will work.

Edited to say, I would leave them for a couple of days if I took more than one hen.
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It would work, I would just make sure all the other birds at the farm are healthy. I would be worried that they could get sick, JMO !!
I suppose it could vary from rooster to rooster, but any one of mine would have 3 or 4 new hens fixed up in under an hour. The first one in less than a minute. I can't imagine why it would take a couple of days but then I've never tried an arrangement like that.

Because a rooster can shoot blanks, and does after the first couple of tries. If you left'em for a few days, that would ensure a much improved chance of fertile eggs.
SHOOT my rooster is a tagging machine, as soon as a new hen hits the pen he is taking care of her. bojangles (my rooster) ain't shy he gives his stuff out to all the girls i have 27 eggs in the bator from his pen and lookin like all are forming well.

i agree though i would leave them in for a couple of days to make sure he is taking care of your ladies. no chicken is alike, he might have to warm up to the ladies first, you know what i mean
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gosh, before we know it this is going to be a "brag about your roosters stuff" thread !!!
LOL!! You guys all give very educational, yet humorous, advice!

I guess another question would be... how long does a "servicing" last? For how long will they lay fertile eggs? I know that, fertile or not, the hen has to have the instinct to go broody. But, at what point would I say, "OK, the spark of life is gone from the womb."?

gabrielle... nah. I don't want that intimate a relationship with the birds. I'll pollinate my pumpkins and kiwi's by hand, but that's the only interspecies sex I'm wiling to play a third-party in!

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