Can you tell a bad egg layer in the first year?


7 Years
Mar 21, 2017
Northern Colorado
This is our first year having chickens. We have a flock of ten, with five breeds. All of our birds were feed store chicks, so while they have the usual characteristics of their breeds they are obviously not prime specimens.

We have the chickens for the eggs but also just for the desire to be close to the earth. We're not super concerned with ultra efficient layers or a profitable flock, but if a chicken isn't going to lay at all we're not sure we'll keep her. They are not quite pets but we do love them too.

So that being said can you tell if a chicken will be a bad layer in the first year? We have two Black Australorps who are now 32 weeks. One has laid nearly every day since she started laying August 1st. The other one laid 3 eggs in September, each about a week apart and then stopped. Nothing since then. Is she a dud, or will she start laying better in the spring?

We have two Easter Eggers. One lays consistently, about 5-6 eggs a week. The other was laying 4-5 eggs a week, but beginning of October stopped laying and has been going through what I assume is a mini moult. Is this normal? She's the only one in the flock doing this.

Lastly we have two Lavender Orpingtons that have yet to lay at all. They are a little younger- around 26 weeks and they were a little stunted in their growth because they spent the first several weeks of their life at the feed store. They are big and healthy now, their combs and wattles are just starting to get bigger and darker. Will they lay yet this year?

Oh and probably pertinent...we are in Northern Colorado so we have had some colder weather already and we aren't heating or giving them extra light. The other four birds are 32 week old Red Sex Links (nice big eggs every morning) and 26 week old Blue Copper Marans (both give 4-6 eggs a week).

This is the time of year when the chickens slow down on laying due to molting and not enough daylight, The breeds you have are good layers and will perk up in the spring or you can add a light in the chicken house to come on with a timer to give them enough light to lay those wonderful eggs.

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