can you tell by looking at this poop

You give them popped corn every day??? UH, does that have SALT on it???
Maybe they've been over-salted??

Just brainstorming here

Their CROP is where the food is stored, should feel like a ball kinda above their breast. It won't be red or pink.
Yogurt is good if they are not really voluntarily eating. I would offer it in a spoon and get a taste on the beak- most times they will start licking it up out of the spoon. Anything with protein is good when they're sick. You should be able to get some electrolytes to mix in the water at the feed store, but yes, pedialyte will do in a pinch.
i put yogurt in mixed with their feed but they still will not eat. i saw her nibble a lil' today but not enough to make any difference. maybe it was just a taste. i also put crannberry sauce in it today but no difference. any more ideas?
Found this list by googleing "are gardenia toxic to chickens" this is what came up. It is for "small birds" not sure if it just includes parrots and such or if these same plants would be toxic to chickens...Although "Confederate Jasmine" is not listed Jasmine is....Just a thought. I have (knock on wood) little experience with sick chickens so I could be way off but it's a thought.

ETA...:rolleyes:Forgot to add the link...
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There is a list on plants that are toxic to chickens.. They list the plant name, what part of the plant is poisonous and what the ill effects are.. Some are worse than others... This is what it says for Jasmine...

JASMINE (Cestrum spp.); fruit, sap; gastrointestinal tract affected by solanine glycoalkaloids; nervous system affected by atropine-like toxins.

It does not have any information on Gardenia.. But, the jasmine may be the culprit here... Here is the website..

ETA: There is another site that says jasmine causes "Fatal. Digestive disturbance and nervous symptoms."

I am still looking and trying to find something to counteract the effects.. I will post whatever I find.. First and foremost, you need to either get rid of any and all jasmine plants or isolate it away from your chickens or you may possibly lose them all...

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If you have Confederate Jasmine and that is the correct common name, you have Trachleospermum jasminoides, which is not listed as toxic. Cestrum is a different genus but common names confuse everything. Is there anything else that just those three could have gotten into? Fertilizer, rotten or moldy food, slug bait? The one thing I notice about my free rangers is that they are really smart about poisonous plants- i have lots of things on "the list" and they just dont touch it. Foxglove (digitalis) can stop your heart, but the chickens dont touch the leaves or flowers- instead they dig around the roots for the sowbugs that are always there. Smart girls.

How many days has this been going on?
See if she'll eat some boiled chopped up egg. Just keep trying things to eat, at this point, any eating would be better than none. Mine also like some flavored instant oatmeal-made with hot water, then cooled. Not dry.
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If she's gasping, I would probably give her Tylan or LS-50. The rest of her symptoms could be from feeling sick or from starving. I wish her well, poor thing

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