My kids are devastated. 
It was a pullet, ranging in my backyard which has a 4-ft tall fence. This attack happened during daylight, probably around 3-4pm.
Carcass was still there. Feathers were plucked and laying around body. Head missing, some innards (heart, liver) eaten, but gizzard and parts of intestines still there. One wing off, picked clean at joint. The other wing intact, as if the predator ate only half the chicken and didn't bother to flip it over for the other half. Half breast and half ribcage gone.
Chicken body was found close to fence and close to coop, but not inside the run or the coop (chickens have access to backyard from the run when we open the gate to the run). The rest of the flock (6 remaining) we found cowering in the coop. They are clearly freaked out. We heard nothing, but we don't hear much inside our house from the outside.
Any ideas? We're thinking either hawk, possum, or raccoon... but we really don't know for sure.

It was a pullet, ranging in my backyard which has a 4-ft tall fence. This attack happened during daylight, probably around 3-4pm.
Carcass was still there. Feathers were plucked and laying around body. Head missing, some innards (heart, liver) eaten, but gizzard and parts of intestines still there. One wing off, picked clean at joint. The other wing intact, as if the predator ate only half the chicken and didn't bother to flip it over for the other half. Half breast and half ribcage gone.
Chicken body was found close to fence and close to coop, but not inside the run or the coop (chickens have access to backyard from the run when we open the gate to the run). The rest of the flock (6 remaining) we found cowering in the coop. They are clearly freaked out. We heard nothing, but we don't hear much inside our house from the outside.
Any ideas? We're thinking either hawk, possum, or raccoon... but we really don't know for sure.