can you tell the sex of a chic by its wing feathers????


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 10, 2011
I have heard that you can tell the sex of a baby chic by its wing feathers... is this true? If yes ... how??? Please post pics if possible
thank you.
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Well it only works with chicks that are bred for it. However here is an example-




Only works with chicks 1-3 days old.
It depends on the breed. Both my Speckled Sussex had different wing feathering, I knew for sure one was a rooster. Nope, I have 2 pullets. I've been told by Sussex breeders you can't feather sex Sussex. My Easter Eggers & Silver-laced Wyandottes were feather sexed and they are pullets.
They also must be no older than a few day's old 3 at the most, I have done it with many breeds so it doesn't nessesarily have to be breed specific.
All of the Plymouth rock varieties and it works very well on Cornish and cornish X, I have also done it successfully on RIR and Brahamas.
When you say you have done it "successfully" - are you able to track how accurate you are can predict the sex? Do you think you get close to 90%? Just wondering, I think it's great that you have had success with the method.
Sure........... I band them after ID'ing them and track them to see if it worked and it does well over 90%. I have done it for some other folks as well and they were very happy with the results and have been doing it as part of their flock management program.

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