can you turn eggs to much ?


11 Years
Feb 12, 2008
Agawam , Ma
I was wandering if you could turn eggs to much . I know you are supposed to turn them three times a day , But is it ok to turn them more than that . I know sometimes i forget and i just turn them again . Any help would be great . I have 50 eggs in the incubator and i would hate it if they didnt hatch because of me over turning them
It is not possible to turn them too much. Unless you turn them over 100 times a day, the mother hen turns them up to 95 times a day, and I don't think you'd have time to do that.
yes I have some goslings hatching out.... Well 2 so far pipped, but the other set of eggs did not.
Maybe not too much, but certainly too vigorously, too many rotations per turn. If you keep spinning the eggs, as you might when you are candling, when they are halfway developed, you can tangle the embryo in the egg contents, which is not a good thing. Just rotating them a quarter or a half turn, however, is fine, as much as you like.
Oh wow . Thanks for the info ! i didnt know that
I just had 2 silkies hatch . Real easter chicks

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