Canadian Breeder list

We got a shipment of chicks from Performance Poultry this spring and were well pleased with our birds. They ship by air with West Jet and the chicks arrived strong and healthy. Performance Poultry is a small hatchery and I know of several people, including ourselves, who did not receive all the breeds that were ordered as he ran out. We got a refund on the ones we did not receive. We are happy with the birds we have, which include Egyptian Faumoyi, Red Stars, Harcos, White Rocks, Light Brahmas, red silkies, Russian Orloffs, Blue Andulusians, white laced red cornish and one cuckoo maran pullet.
you have alot of chicken breeds, goldenyolk.
White Orpington Chickens, sorry no we don't have any white, but we have Buff.

ohh ok but on kijij this spring i saw in add on kijij that had white oprs for sell but cool
Anyone breeding Turkens close to or in Quebec?

Or how about 4 rhode Island reds at point of lay or near to? (I'm desperate as my flock was decimated by disease and am forced to eat yucky eggs.)

I'm also looking for a German Shepherd Dog pup with parents who have been checked for genetic problems (a must!).
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Hi I have Ameraucanas
Barred Rocks
White Crested Polish, Mottled, Golden Laced Polish
Old English Game
Narragansetts Turkeys
African Grey Geese and Toulouse Dewlap Geese
Snowy call ducks
I am looking for Seramas, Royal Palm turkeys and Mandarin Ducks:)

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