Canadian chicken rookie!


In the Brooder
Feb 9, 2016
South Okanagan, BC Canada
Hi there,

I'm Erynn and I live in the South Okanagan in British Columbia, Canada. I am in the early stages of planning the introduction of hens to my urban micro homestead. Our municipality just recently changed the bylaws allowing us to have hens so I am very excited.
I have plans to convert my shed into a hen house and build a garden enclosure for them to spend the warmer days in. They will be allowed to free range when I am home. Because of the size of my property (.10 of an acre) I think I will start with 3 hens, possibly a Plymouth rock, an Orpington and a Wynadotte. This will also depend on the availability of chicks in my area. I am so excited to have hens, I was raised on a small scale egg farm when I was younger but this will be my first experience being solely responsible for them and on my own property!

Any feedback, suggestions, ideas etc would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much & happy egging :)
Hi Erynn,

If you'd like to 'meet' other members from Canada, you can find them with this link:

I like your plans to convert a shed to a coop, that will save on time and money. Look over the Coops section if you want to get some ideas of features that might work for you.

Good luck to you and if you have questions, always feel free to ask!
Hi Erynn - glad that you have joined us. It seems like exciting times ahead for you! All the best with your shed conversion and finding the breeds that you wish.

Glad you joined the Backyard chickens flock. I think you would be interested in the Canadian thread "Canadians , check-in-here."

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