Canadians check in here....

Hello I'm from,west Quebec, have two hens and a rooster got them two weeks ago, I'm getting two day old Easter eggers tomorrow, and we have on June 25th 10 meat hens 2 turkeys 5 layers and one pullet coming but I've been told that a buff something is what I want anyone know where I can get that and also I'm looking for natural pesticides, and parasite control ideas such as certain herbs, and I'm looking for organic treats and food to give with the lay mesh to give them the best health and egg production I can I'd love any info sent my way thank you , I've been posting on the other site then someone sent me here to the Canadian site, so fellow Canucks' I'd love your help, thanks

Chickens magazine has a good article on herbs!!!

Look what came in the mail today! Counting down the days!
HI,Great day to clean the coop LOL, got 40 white leghorns last month, now have been getting 36 to 38 eggs a day. We got 17 the day i brought them home, and 34 the next day, they laid them all over the floor, every were lol . But not in the nesting box, I learn a trick here on BYC to put gulf balls in the box, it took two days but now it's rare to find one on the floor. I even had to trian them to sleep on the prefectly good roost I hand build just for them LOL. Love my chickens, Well that's me near Winnipeg.

Later Bob M
HI,Great day to clean the coop LOL, got 40 white leghorns last month, now have been getting 36 to 38 eggs a day. We got 17 the day i brought them  home, and 34 the next day, they laid them all over the floor, every were lol . But not in the nesting box, I learn a trick here on BYC to put gulf balls in the box, it took two days but now it's rare to find one on the floor. I even had to trian them to sleep on the prefectly good roost I hand build just for them LOL. Love my chickens, Well that's me near Winnipeg.

                                                                                                                                                                                     Later Bob M

Where near Winnipeg? North South East West?

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