Canadians check in here....

Anyone here ever check out Poultry Swap Ontario? I really like it as I can connect with local people. if you come over and check us out you wont be disappointed!


I can't seem to figures hat site out. Everytime I go on it says there aren't any posts. Wish I could figure it out tho.
Hello everyone!

Haven't been on the forum for a bit, so catching up!
My hubby and I winter in Florida and have a place there....I miss my four ladies when we have to come back to Canada, but a friend with a farm and many chickens takes them in while we are gone and spoils them all:) We are currently in Toronto, but just bought a house in Niagara Falls, ON! Our summer home now:)

SUPER excited because chickens are legal there and we have a big backyard. Just curious if anyone else here is in the area:)


there are alot of people from the Niagara area that keep poultry, try PSO its alot easier to connect with locals! this site is great but its huge and the users are from all over the world.

Hope to see ya there!
Well thats weird! not to long ago we had to rework the site you might be using an old address... there are post I assure you LOL.

Im an admin there, sign up and make sure you put in yoir location and ill approve you right away!

hope to see ya there!

It worked!!! I already have a user name - and I'm about to post an intro. Weird message I see is you must be logged in to see the posts and yet at top it says welcome back Sandy M.

Hello! I'm from Penticton BC, I have some sort of little quail.
I'm from Summerland! I keep many breeds of chickens, Muscovy ducks,and Beltsville Small White turkeys. Great to see somebody else from the valley here
Thanks for the welcome! I have two Khaki Campbells and three Rouens. I know nothing about ducks but learning as I go! It is a fun adventure, and the kids love the ducklings! :)
Checking in from Dundas / Flamborough Ontario. We have 5 ISA Browns, And just added 6 more chicks to our flock this week; 3 Black sex links and 3 Barred Rocks. Said 5 would be more then enough from the start... I can easily say im addicted to growing my flock now.

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