Canadians check in here....

Does anyone have experience hatching chicks in January. They are currently living in my basement, when can I put them out in the barn? They are almost 2wks old now, I know they will probably be inside until 8 wks. How do I transition them? They are in a 5x6' ripped out bathroom currently, everything was ripped out by previous owners, about 3 inches of straw on the floor. Should I be waiting for last frost, like with plants View attachment 1647184 :p

Hi, where (even generally) do you live, and how cold is it usually at this time of year there? That will probably have the greatest affect on when you get them out. Also how many chickens do you have?

You want to wait until they are all fully feathered for sure, but depending on your Barn/coop set up I would think you can get them out well before last frost. I hatched my first batch ever on October 20th, and they went outside around December 20th. We were still getting some freezing temperatures, but they did just fine.

I’m sure others with more experience will be along to give you better advice soon. I moved mine out in the late evening and put them directly into their coop area. Remember to check at dusk to make sure everyone goes inside at first as well!

They also create a lot of little body heat! I transported 13 in a large tote from the garage to their new home, and when I was putting them in it felt like reaching into a warm oven when I was taking them out of the tote (very ventilated with a hardware cloth top, I wasn’t suffocating them, I promise)!
Does anyone have experience hatching chicks in January. They are currently living in my basement, when can I put them out in the barn? They are almost 2wks old now, I know they will probably be inside until 8 wks. How do I transition them? They are in a 5x6' ripped out bathroom currently, everything was ripped out by previous owners, about 3 inches of straw on the floor. Should I be waiting for last frost, like with plants View attachment 1647184 :p

I second the feather-out advice.

Beyond that, it's pretty circumstantial. Chicks can do just fine in the cold; I use a mama heating pad instead of heat lamps so I can transition them outside faster. And I've had a broody hatch chicks and so don't need to come inside at all (we recently had a surprise hatch in early October).
I would just be mindful of the difference between your brooder and the outside temperature. The temperature itself won't matter as much as the chicks acclimation. You don't want to shock their system.
I got my chickens off kijiji and my eggs too. I have a Cochin roo, a young brahma roo and three young brahma hens. This weekend I also got silkies, two hens and a roo.
So you have 8 chickens at about 2 weeks old? And eggs incubating? Or 8 older chickens and the eggs hatched and they are now 2 weeks old? Sorry, I’m easily confused sometimes!

Do you have access to anywhere colder than where they are at, but not at the frigid Alberta outside temperatures? Think kind of like hardening off seedlings to go in the garden... slowly exposing them to colder temperatures over several days...
Who layed the egg? Buying any new ones in future?:clap
It was my silkie/buckeye cross. Her eggs are about a medium size, light beige colour.

I think I'm going to focus on hatching this year. I do want to either get a chantecler male or some hatching eggs, as my roo died last summer. In the fall i will probably be getting some bantam buckeyes. They're just being introduced in Canada.

How about you?
Lamont, Alberta. 1hr north of Edmonton.
Hi @Purple_grape84 ! Welcome! I'm an hour NW of Edmonton, near the Alexis reservation... kinda sorta near Onoway.
Welcome to BYC! There's so much information and help, and all round great people. I hope that you enjoy your time here as much as the rest of us chicken folk.
Hi! Don’t know how I missed this... Kris from the southern gulf islands of B.C. Here. We moved to my Husbands family farm in late 2017, and I’m new to chickens. We have 18 older layers in a semi-rescue state (I’m working on improving their conditions) and I have 25 chickens I have hatched/purchased myself. Looking at doing some meat birds soon, and are improving our layer flock. We are on 600 acres of sheep and beef farm that has been in his family since the 20’s, building a house and planning on working the farm until we aren’t able to anymore.
Hi @Kris5902 ! It sounds like you're living the dream! Is where you live part of the San Juans?

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