Canadians check in here....

Hello fellow Canadians. I am in the planning stages for next spring, and I am thinking about raising a few meat birds with some new layers. I am totally new to meat birds, (in fact this is our first year with chickens altogether), & I was wondering where everyone prefers to get their chicks. I have the option of a couple hatcheries here in Alberta, but they look like they could be the same company. Is this where everyone gets them? Or am I missing some great independent hatchery?
Hi @WindyLookout :frow welcome to BYC.

What kind of birdies brought you to us?

How's the weather in Pembroke?

I'm in Alberta, but originally from Ontario. I raise chanteclers and buckeyes. Right now I've got about 50, but a lot of those are headed to the freezer soon.

Getting a lil cooler this week. Sweater is necessary lol. I've got golden polish, a dominiquer, 2 easter eggers, 2 ameraucanas, 6 barnevelder/Rhode island road mixes, a black sexlink, à bantam cochin, a bantam cochin/silkie mix and I have a cochin roo and an Easter eager roo. Not sure if I should even bother keeping the Easter Egger roo. I had a silver laced barnevelder my favorite bUT she disappeared and my motled java recently passed away with no explanation :( . I want to get more silver laced barnevelders , a couple wyandottes and chanteclers.
how are you guys in Alberta doing with snow?

we got a bit here in Sask but it all melted. all am going to say is the farmers are having a heck of a time with there crops getting them off (mainly due to the amount of rain places have been getting), its not good at all from what i have been hearing.
We got quite a bit but not as much as last year this time. Almost all melted but I hear more coming this Tuesday. Way to early....not ready.
Hi there, I'm in Nova Scotia, do insulate your cope over the winter?
Hello!! Welcome Mudma! Good to hear from you!! How are the babies doing? It would be nice to hear from another NS member on this as our weather is so diverse??? I personally would. As they get older, they may not need heat. I put a digital thermometer in mine so I can see it in the house on cold nights. I am the first to admit if the temp drops too low....I thow a blanket over my coop! Lol!! :frow:welcome
Hi Mudma, I spoke withy friend in Antigonish and and she didn't insulate. She just made sure no drafts on lower part of coop by door. She lined that area with felt she said. Hope that helps you out? :wee:frow
Hello!! Welcome Mudma! Good to hear from you!! How are the babies doing? It would be nice to hear from another NS member on this as our weather is so diverse??? I personally would. As they get older, they may not need heat. I put a digital thermometer in mine so I can see it in the house on cold nights. I am the first to admit if the temp drops too low....I thow a blanket over my coop! Lol!! :frow:welcome
Hi there, I'm in Nova Scotia, do insulate your cope over the winter?

Mine, my neibours and my mother in laws aren't heated. What's most important is to keep the moisture out and that the birds have high roosts. Fresh water but some I know use snow. If you want the hens to lay in winter they need supplementary lighting and I've heard having a rooster helps in keeping the hens laying. I'm still new at this but here it is :)
Hello from the west side of southern Ontario :frow
I’ve been on here for a bit now but thought I’d drop in to see what provinces my fellow BYC Canadians reside in! I’m always wanting to hear about everyone’s flock and what it’s like living with chickens in other provinces. I heard there’s a foot and a half of snow in Calgary from some relatives, can I just say I am NOT ready for winter and neither are my coops, it’s only October!! :barnie

I got my first little flock of chicks this past spring, 7 Ameraucanas. Then in the summer I got another 7 that are Silkie crosses, 3 of which are frizzled. I ended up giving one of the Ameraucanas to a coworker (should have waited another week since he was closest to standard even if I’m not breeding) as 3 boys was a lot before getting my next set of chickens. Do some reason I really like the number 7 it seems LOL

I now have a total of 13 chickens. There are 2 Ameraucana cockerels and 1 frizzled SilkieX cockerel. There’s 10 pullets in total right now, one Ameraucana has a severe scissor beak and is living separated from the others with the SilkieX cockerel.
One of the SilkieX is laying everyday and a second SilkieX is almost there while she finishes figuring things out. I’m hoping for some blue eggs soon as the Ameraucanas are on week 25 :fl
The other 4 SilkieX pullets are on week 20-22 so maybe I’ll get some more tinted/beige eggs AND some blue eggs. The first SilkieX that started was around 22 weeks and she’s been going for a good 2 weeks or so now :clap

EDIT: Just to say I’m going to be going through this thread to see what kind of knowledge I can gain from other Canadians!
Hello from the west side of southern Ontario :frow
I’ve been on here for a bit now but thought I’d drop in to see what provinces my fellow BYC Canadians reside in! I’m always wanting to hear about everyone’s flock and what it’s like living with chickens in other provinces. I heard there’s a foot and a half of snow in Calgary from some relatives, can I just say I am NOT ready for winter and neither are my coops, it’s only October!! :barnie

I got my first little flock of chicks this past spring, 7 Ameraucanas. Then in the summer I got another 7 that are Silkie crosses, 3 of which are frizzled. I ended up giving one of the Ameraucanas to a coworker (should have waited another week since he was closest to standard even if I’m not breeding) as 3 boys was a lot before getting my next set of chickens. Do some reason I really like the number 7 it seems LOL

I now have a total of 13 chickens. There are 2 Ameraucana cockerels and 1 frizzled SilkieX cockerel. There’s 10 pullets in total right now, one Ameraucana has a severe scissor beak and is living separated from the others with the SilkieX cockerel.
One of the SilkieX is laying everyday and a second SilkieX is almost there while she finishes figuring things out. I’m hoping for some blue eggs soon as the Ameraucanas are on week 25 :fl
The other 4 SilkieX pullets are on week 20-22 so maybe I’ll get some more tinted/beige eggs AND some blue eggs. The first SilkieX that started was around 22 weeks and she’s been going for a good 2 weeks or so now :clap

EDIT: Just to say I’m going to be going through this thread to see what kind of knowledge I can gain from other Canadians!
Hi! I’m in Sudbury, my first year with chickens so I lack the knowledge you seek . I have 12 in total still too young to be laying I think I have 2 cockerels (1 is a hedemora, the other a lemon Pyle Brahma) for pullets I have 3 crested cream legbars, 3 crele beilefelders, 2 silver beilefelders and 2 silver Ameraucanas. I like to think I am prepared for winter but... we’ll see!

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