Canadians check in here....

Yeah ! Summerland ! I am origionally from Penticton ....back in the Hippie days ......
Welcome to the sight ! I also learned alot here and still learning ....
Oh should I mention my older brothes/sisters were the hippiee I was too young .I was hatched out in the 60's ,,even thou now there all so straight and narrow ...,..ha ha ha !.....
Still dont understand what a beatnick is suppose to represent ... The Beatle generation ?..... I never heard of it either, and I must be around the same age Product of the late 60's.
Wow, can't believe no one has heard of beatnicks. It was the early sixties, they even had a "dress code" and look about them, goaties, dark glasses all the time, their own dialect, the beginning of pot smoking, the term Pad, (apartment) originates from then. Guess I'm older than I thought. Wish I could tell you more but I was around ten at the time and had one cousin right into it. He was definetly the black sheep of the family. Anyways this really has nothing to do with chickens, sorry I got everyone going.
who cares if it doesn't have anything to do with chickens or even canada. i seriously never heard the term before, so I find it cool and can't stop thinking about Cheech and Chong now.

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