Canadians check in here....

What does your coop look like? I am very concerned about mine not being "Winter proof" enough!! I will attach photos once it is fully complete!
we had an old pump house that was 12ft X 8 ft that we transformed into a coop. It has a concrete floor, we insulated the sides and put plywood up for walls. We then cut a 4ft X 3 ft window in one side for light and ventilation. It just has screening on it at the moment but we will put a double pane window in there before fall. We still have to insulate the roof and install a vent up there yet. I plan on having a chicken run built for them in the next 2 weeks. We already have a cut out in the wall to access the chicken run. (it's boarded up at the moment while my babies grow). I plan on having a deep bed of straw over the winter, 2 or 3 heat lamps as well as a heated waterer. I will post pics soon but it's still abit of a work in progress. It'll be done before fall but not before the chickens start running around in the run so we can get access better.
The babies are here, 46 of them, they threw in 1 extra of each breed on each mine and my MIL's orders.

There are 17 broilers, 11 leghorns
6 brown sex link, 2RIR (she ordered 5, but they substituted) 6 red Sussex cross
And 4 rock crosses (I believe, I will have to check the catalogue as that is the substitute)

I am a bit surprised by how well they took to the food, I duped each of their beaks in the water and a couple returned, but they found the food all on their own. I thought the tray feeder would be enough to start, but I ended up adding the hanging feeder on the ground, as there was a bit of a pileup by the tray.

The first picture is my brooder in progress, (it is complete now). The second is my turkeys and the third and fourth are my chickens. They have been going on outdoor adventures in an enclosed space about once a week now!

Here they are, a bunch of little piggie chicks. I dipped their beaks in the water, and they ran for the food.

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