Canadians check in here....

Nice to see some more Canadians here!!!

Kerr, did you ever get pics of where your daughter sees your friendly ghost??

YAY!!!School starts in the morning!!
Hi, I'm from Sudbury, Ontario. My family is new to chickens. My husband was paid for some work he did in hens a few months ago. Now I am totally in love with my chickens and have even convinced him to build me a deluxe coop (insulated, opening window metal roof, rotating pasture) so I can get MORE chickens. I have named them all and they come when they are called. This is the best forum ever because I thought I was losing my mind when I started having my morning coffee next to the chicken tractor just so I could be close to them. Thanks to this site I now feel normal when I share my supper with my special girl, "fuzzy head". Chicken people are great!!
My grandchildren and I have named all our chickens. Well Chickee had 8, and I know one is going to be white, so we are going to call them snow white and the seven dwarfs, any one know all the dwarf names?? As soon as I can figure out how to send pics I will. We have two roosters. one is Big Red and one is Big White.
Looks like I am the first Saskatchewan chicken lover. Although you could say I am an Albertan, I only live in Sasktachewan by 5 minutes down in the southern corner. I have brown and white egg layers but in the past couple years started to really enjoy the exotic breeds. I have Americaunas, Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, Columbian Rocks, Crosses of all, Silver Duckwing OEG rooster, and two Seebrite bantams. We also have Muscovy ducks and Rouen Ducks, and newly added this year is a pair of White Chinese Geese.
I am always looking for new additions if anyone has anything for sale.
I see there are a few others around the Limestone City (Kingston, ont)! Actually our farm is in Seeleys Bay. We just picked up 14 chicks (day old) layers.
I am very thankful as a new chicken mom to have a wonderful site and support. I'll look forward to many chats down the line.


From just south of Calgary- Okotoks! I have 2 SL Wyandotte roos I need to give away! Anyone interested?! I guess I am also looking for 2 hens to replace them with (sent the wrong sex in the spring and I am afraid the others will freeze if I do not have 4 for my coop!!)
Hello Hallchicks, I wish I could help you out with your roos, I already have four and eight babies that I am not sure of yet. With a total of 25 chickens I might have to get rid of three of mine. Have you ever checked out ??
Hello JJSmith from Sask. would love to see some pics of your chicks. I am so new at this, Seebright bantams sound very interesting.

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