Canadians check in here....

Hi all! I'm in southern Ontario, and although I have been stalking the forums for the past 3 weeks, I have 4 mystery eggs I got from my husbands uncle that are on day 11 in the bator! This is my first round of my own chickens, hubbys never had them. I'm already planning our next batch of either eggs or chicks depending on how this works out :)
Hello everyone I am new here and from northern Ontario. I was just wonder what breeds people in my area have and where you got them from, any and all advice welcome

Hi we are in the north bay area and we have 3 New Hampires, 2 Amerucana's, 1 Guinea hen, 2 mixed breeds, 1 Black Sexlink, 1 Delaware, ISA browns and a few Rhode Island Reds. Currantly we have 11 meaties that are 4 weeks and have just been put outside. It was so funny watching them freak out on the grass lol We just received 6 day old Plymouth Barred Rock day olds yesterday :) We will keep the girls and freezer camp the boys :)

As you can see we have a very mixed flock and they have all wintered well in our well insulated coop. We did heat it in the bad cold this winter as it was exceptionally cold and snowy this year. :) We rescued the most of them from bad owners. We got 2, an ISA brown and another unknown breed at the Powassan small animal auction in the spring of 2013. We ordered our day old Barred Rocks and meaties from Frey's. We also bought 2 more at the auction this year but when we got them home and segregated them, we realized they were very sickly and had dispatch them :( I am leery of auctions now but the first 2 we got last year at the auction are doing wonderfully :)

Hello fellow Canadian chickens!
After using this website as my go-to resource for the past 3 months, I finally joined. I moved out to the country (Lindsay, Ontario) from Toronto under a year ago with my husband and we're loving the homesteading lifestyle! I recently got 2 Silver Laced Wyandotte hens from a local auction, and a SLW Roo from my friend. Everyone has settled into their new small coop, but we have plans to build a bigger one soon so we can expand our flock.
Looking forward to learning more and meeting like-minded chicken-folk.
Actually, the whole reason I joined was so I could use this smiley!! Yaay!!
East coaster over here! New Brunswick! Brand new to this hobby! Currently have four quirky ducks and expecting chickens!:D
It's a bit far for me, since I'm in south eastern ontario, but I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun! I've been to similar events closer to home and I always enjoy them.

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