Canadians check in here....

Not so new, but saying hi! We are in West Luther, Wellington co. Ontario. We have a mixed colourful flock, all ladies. We typically purchase two pullets a year. Our first two were a rescue from the shelter I work at Hetty-a black sex link, great layer and sweet, now sadly gone, and Lida Rose a pure Buff Orp from a breeder, still with us tho' not laying.
Pippa-Columbian Rock and Kate- RIR, royal sisters, both sadly gone. Pippa was our first loss and we were very sad. Maisie was our second shelter rescue, a Barred Rock, she died of a mysterious illness after only 8 months. Next Georgie- Heritage Brown leghorn, a real beauty. Peabody-RIR, and Flavia, Chantecler, very aloof lays really large eggs.
Last year , two Ameraucanas, Rosemary and Thyme. Now, Bess, if she's a pullet! If a roo, off to rescue.

They're all named after fictional, female sleuths- LOL
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