Canadians check in here....

Thanks for your response, I was hoping someone would prove me wrong lol

Well we both may still be wrong! I would think that you should have heard some crowing attempts by now. And egg laying should begin shortly so it wont be long until you can be sure. Some hens just look a little more masculine than others!
Well we both may still be wrong! I would think that you should have heard some crowing attempts by now. And egg laying should begin shortly so it wont be long until you can be sure. Some hens just look a little more masculine than others!

Well I suppose I will find out soon, one way or another..
Thanks for the help :)
Hello canadiens! Im new to the site! Seems like a great place for passing on info! Im from the burbs of vancouver bc! I baught my first house a year ago and built a 4x18ft chicken run and finally got my first chickens of my own from my grandfathers hobby farm/vinyard (that i have been helping out and working on my whole life) in oliver BC 3 hens, a mumma and 2 approx 4month old chicks he raised for me. Im actually in serch of 2 ameraucana or araucana blue laying hens (one for me and one for my grandfather) they are his favorite but he cant seem to find any in the interior! If anyone has any leeds it wiuld be greatly appreciated!

This is a great site for information but if you're on Facebook you should join BC Backyard Poultry Growers, it's helpful for local buying and selling.

Anthony13, the group BradnerGirl mentioned may have someone that has what you're looking for, or know where to look. Good luck!
Hey Everyone

I am in Calgary, Alberta and am new to having chickens. I have them in the city on the DL! If you have any suggestions for provincial websites or facebook groups outside of BYC to join let me know, I have already learned a lot from BYC and can't wait for my girls to start laying, although that's still a few months away....
Hey Everyone

I am in Calgary, Alberta and am new to having chickens. I have them in the city on the DL! If you have any suggestions for provincial websites or facebook groups outside of BYC to join let me know, I have already learned a lot from BYC and can't wait for my girls to start laying, although that's still a few months away....

I am also a newbie. Hoping for our first eggs within the next 4 - 6 weeks. I am in the Lakeland district - outside of Elk Point, AB. I bought straight run day olds and am now at the point where it is time to process my extra roos. Kinda scary, I guess we will see whether I have what it takes very shortly!!
Hey Everyone

I am in Calgary, Alberta and am new to having chickens. I have them in the city on the DL! If you have any suggestions for provincial websites or facebook groups outside of BYC to join let me know, I have already learned a lot from BYC and can't wait for my girls to start laying, although that's still a few months away....

I am on a Facebook site call BC Backyard/Hobby Poultry Growers. It's for us smaller flock owners. As much as I like this site, the BC site is helpful for buying, selling and trading locally. There may be something like this for Alberta as well...I have learned so much from here and the BC site.

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