Canadians check in here....

Hi There, I just moved from Calgary onto 2+ acres near Medicine Hat a small friendly town called Irvine.

I just came across this thread today..

My 16yos and hubby decided to get chickens, we have 5 and a roo.

I've been internet shopping around for where to buy these beautiful chickens posted on this site!

Bet not too many people know about this site in Canada.

Nice to meet you all!

Hi Caroline, I'm Christie and I live just down the road in cypress county. We are on 5 acres north of Dunmore. It's nice to find someone close by to share the chicken bug with.
Hi, welcome! I am in Saskatchewan here! We will be making regular trips to Saskatoon with day old heritage chicks we sell plus I have a friend that drives regularly to Lethbridge that can bring chicks! Plus there is a few very good quality breeders as well in Alberta. Small farm operations that love their heritage breeds and taking time to breed quality!

Watch having heritage chicks is well a fun things all around. Pretty varieties with pretty colors of eggs and all this enjoyment while also providing you with food!
Hi everyone,

I'm new here, getting my chicks in the spring and super excited! I'm from Ontario. Muskoka to be more specific. Looking forward to learning from fellow chicken lovers
Have not tried shipped eggs yet! Kind of scared to! So been hatching out day old chicks to sell! Not in your local area though. Plus bother those breeds I have small pens stop lol of so need to hatch out what I can!

Which of the two you looking for and I can give you names of those that do ship eggs!
Hi everyone,

I'm new here, getting my chicks in the spring and super excited! I'm from Ontario. Muskoka to be more specific. Looking forward to learning from fellow chicken lovers

Muskoka is such a beautiful area! I'm also a first time chickener, with chicks coming in the spring. What breeds did you decide on?

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