Canadians check in here....

Hi chicken crazy, Vivian here from Lacombe AB. Well actually I live on a farm at the north end of Gull Lake.
What kind of chickens do you have?
And chicken cooker what kind are you going to get?/
I have Blue laced Jersey Giants, Chanaclers, Australorps and a bunch of not too sure what they are....
nice to meet you.
Chickee's Mom :

And chicken cooker what kind are you going to get?/
I have Blue laced Jersey Giants, Chanaclers, Australorps and a bunch of not too sure what they are....
nice to meet you.

The choice to keep chickens has been made but the rest will depend on what is available locally this time of year. We have put the word out that we want laying hens; lets see what is offered.

Wish us luck LOL
nice to meet you, too.​
Hello Everyone from Guelph Ontario !!

PatandChickens....I also have 3 sex link pullets Chickens from Bonnies in other 3 came from Quebec(through family) a bantam and a RIR and maybe another sex link.....
I was wondering do you put a red heat light in with your girls in Jan and Feb when the temp. dips below? ....If you do how far away do you place it?...thanks ....Maybe we will be lucky again this year and not get snow until after Christmas !!!! I remember taking a hike with the family last Christmas day it was soooo warm out...
Hi, Snapdragon, nice to meet you. Don't know where all the Canucks are, oh yeah, HOCKEY NIGHT IN CANADA!!!!!
My DH is watching Calgary and Edmonton right now, go Flames Go!!
What have you got for chickens??
Heading to the Island for Christmas, can't wait.
Hey Snapdragon.....your really close to us, here in sunny Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, British Columbia.....

We have a few Buff Op. and Brown Chickens.....and a new barn made for growing meat birds on a small scale....

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