Canadians check in here....

Okay, it's almost chickie math time!! Spring is on its way! What is your plan for additional flock members??!!! I am looking for pullets. Three, maybe more :celebrate Welsummer, Blue Cuckoo Marans and an Olive egger! How about you?? :clap :thumbsup :frow
I’ve got 16 chicks on order from Freys Hatchery to add to my existing 12. I’m also on the hunt for some goose eggs to add to my pond. Hopefully my 12 ducks will accept new pond/coop mates!
Okay, it's almost chickie math time!! Spring is on its way! What is your plan for additional flock members??!!! I am looking for pullets. Three, maybe more :celebrate Welsummer, Blue Cuckoo Marans and an Olive egger! How about you?? :clap :thumbsup :frow
I am staying put with my stable flock of ten for now. I have to be careful about adding too many in the summer because then winter comes and lots of space is needed inside the coop. It's hard to be strong though!
I have 25 Red Rock cross pullets from Rochester Hatchery coming on April 28. I will be raising all but 8 as ready to lay pullets for sale. I follow Arts maxim of chicken math. It’s not just addition and multiplication but division and most of all Subtraction. My three oldest hens will be sold off as well so my coop will be manageable for winter.
I have 25 Red Rock cross pullets from Rochester Hatchery coming on April 28. I will be raising all but 8 as ready to lay pullets for sale. I follow Arts maxim of chicken math. It’s not just addition and multiplication but division and most of all Subtraction. My three oldest hens will be sold off as well so my coop will be manageable for winter.
I looked at the Red Rock cross. Nice looking birds. Post pics when you get them. :thumbsup
Okay, it's almost chickie math time!! Spring is on its way! What is your plan for additional flock members??!!! I am looking for pullets. Three, maybe more :celebrate Welsummer, Blue Cuckoo Marans and an Olive egger! How about you?? :clap :thumbsup :frow
I have 4 chickens that will only be a year this spring. So no plans on chickens.

My Ancona ducks I have been hatching from & plan to keep a few females that hold qualities I desire.
Hey all,
Toronto here, but we are leaving within two years. Done with the city. Want to move to a rural area/the country. Looking at rural parts in Erin or Orangeville with lots, hopefully at 10 acres or so.

I am looking to pursue a more self-sufficient lifestyle with the fam and kids. I do a bit of gardening and growing of food in my small garden in Toronto but I am looking to produce a lot more with our own land.
I cannot believe the bylaws around keeping chickens smh. Now I am wondering if I'll be able to raise them...
If anyone has any info re: chickens and rural Ontario in Erin/Orangeville please let me know!

Hey all,
Toronto here, but we are leaving within two years. Done with the city. Want to move to a rural area/the country. Looking at rural parts in Erin or Orangeville with lots, hopefully at 10 acres or so.

I am looking to pursue a more self-sufficient lifestyle with the fam and kids. I do a bit of gardening and growing of food in my small garden in Toronto but I am looking to produce a lot more with our own land.
I cannot believe the bylaws around keeping chickens smh. Now I am wondering if I'll be able to raise them...
If anyone has any info re: chickens and rural Ontario in Erin/Orangeville please let me know!

Sorry for the delayed response, I never got the notification that someone actually spoke up over here. :frow

I've lived in the Orangeville area in the past, most of it is lovely, though rapidly getting more and more pricey, not so bad towards Erin and the northern communities above are nice. Orangeville was looking into urban flock keeping I think, I don't know how that worked out, but I do remember it happening. The rule pretty much is though if your outside of town limits, you're fine for chicken keeping. I pick up birds quite regularly in the vicinity, so I don't see why you would have any issues, especially on a 10acre property.
I know people in Mono, Hockley and Caledon who keep chickens on much much less than 10 acres with no issues.
I’ve got 16 chicks on order from Freys Hatchery to add to my existing 12. I’m also on the hunt for some goose eggs to add to my pond. Hopefully my 12 ducks will accept new pond/coop mates!I
I was able to find goose eggs and have 5 Pilgrim (mix) looking strong on day 20. I cancelled my order from Freys, I thought maybe it was too many and was going to just leave my flock as it was but then I found the perfect mix of eggs on the H.E.C.A FB auction page and now have 16 eggs en route from QC. 4 - BCMs, 4 - Olive Eggers, 4 - Americauna, 4 - Easter Eggers. I didn't really want to deal with cockerels this year, but oh well!

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