Candied popcorn turns eggs pink?

Midnight Chef

In the Brooder
6 Years
Jan 26, 2013
I happened upon a video on youtube and it shows chickens eating pink/red candied popcorn. In the next part it shows them gathering the eggs from the hen boxes and they were BRIGHT pink! Then they showed them cooking them and even the white looked like it had color to it. I honestly don't think the sugar is good for them but would consumed food dye color the eggs?
I have never had such a thing happen to my flocks. Feed can make eggs a little darker or lighter, but never totally change the color.
You can add food coloring to the vent of the birds to discover which hen laid what egg. Even then, the whole egg is not usually covered with color. I think you have watched a hoax, at least in my opinion.
click "show more'' in the description nder the video
From the Youtube video description:

Please note: The chickens did not really lay pink eggs. Our chickens normally only lay brown, green, and white eggs. We used dye from my cake decorating kit and some needles from the diabetic supplies to make this video. If I were to feed the chickens a whole lot of greens, the yolk would go darker. You cannot influence the colour of the shell by what you feed them. You can, however influence the quality of the shell. If it is too soft, they need more oyster shell.

This is found under the video by clicking see more. It would be neat, though!
That explains a lot, I didn't really dig into it. Looked abnormal to me. Would be cool if it worked that way and didn't harm the chickens.
Good grief you don't realy believe every thing you see on youtube. Some of these kids could make a vidio of a men walking on the moon.
Well hell, some of us don't know everything and like to ask, sorry if did. I guess I'll never ask another question here again... BTW maybe you should try a softer toilet paper for your sore *** there rich...

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