Candled Trader Joes Egg Help Plzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!

while i finally caved in this is a hole new design compared to my first one please tell me its good and i cracked an egg it only had yoke so huh im gonna buy a new 1 how is this for now though



I just have to jump in here and say I admire your eagerness to get these eggs to hatch but I too like the others don't think it is going to happen for these eggs unfortuneately.

What you have created in all of your attempts is bascially a brooder for already hatched chicks.

You can use a regular light bulb for an incubator but you will need to 1) have an insulated box or styrofoam box that will retain the proper temp, in this case 99.9-1oo degrees F. Constistently !!!
If it goes over or under for any length of time it will kill the embryos.

Plus I see you have a small cap filled with water but i don't think that would be enough to keep the humidity where it needs to be especially if the bator is open.

You are on the right path. You just need to fine tune. Listen to the others about getting the instructions for making a homemade bator or look on CraigsList for a good quality used one or save your money and buy a new one. Even the cheapest Little Giant incubator will do better then your homemade one.

Please don't take any of this personal. We are just trying to help you and keep you from the disappointment we all feel when our eggs don't hatch.
With your set up you will never know if your eggs from Trader Joes were fertile or not since the ideal conditions for incubating are not being met.

Another question if you don't mind. Are you prepared to care for th chicks once they hatch? Do you live in town ? All things you might want to think about !
Joining your local 4H is an eggcellent idea, something you should realy consider !!

Good Luck and enjoy your journey !!
Okay from the sound of things your ambitious. Your not getting the heat to the eggs. Take a look at this page to maybe get a few ideas and see what you can come up with.

I didn't see the one that was made out of a cardboard box there anymore. But incubators can be made out of simple things.

Do a bit of research and give it a shot again. Remember though when working with this type of things safety needs to be a main concern!
well i give up im just gonna hatch chicks with my neighbor and see if i can convince my mom to by me a day old chick this has been the most dissapointing 3 days of my life but since its late im gonna leave it but take itdown tommorow im going to my uncles ranch this weekend maybe i can take a goose you guys really have all helped now i know this isnt just something that can be done over night
leghornlover@123 :

Ok this is day 3 im new to this are they growing and heathrkh thanks for metioning that the picture up there i sent to my mom and she was not to pleased but excepted it so its not a big secrect though but i still need to take it to my neighbor and i think i might have to do that thing with the locker but idk my mom might pick it up if it hatches

You should wait at least 7 days to candle

3 days is just not enough

The better is to wait 10 days

also dont candle every day

the embrio is very delicate at the beggining stage , as matte rof fact show should not move the eggs for the first 5 days​
Why are you sad? You have a good start. You ought to be very proud of what you are doing.

If you think 3 days is a long time how do you think you would feel waiting the 21 days. Haven't you ever heard that good things come to those who wait ???

Do you live where you can keep a chicken or goose? Do you have all of the supplies to care for one. Plus you really shouldn't have just one of any kind of bird. They like to be in a flock so at least two is advisable.

You sound like you really were excited. Don't give up. If you have read alot of the candling threads then you should know that the veins are just beging to be visible at 5 days. And like others said 10 would be better.
Ok well I incubate for 10 days wooho:/ im not that discouraged and I had evrything setup I was gonna hatch 3 and let my neighbor keep them but ill wait till day 10
Ok young one, you need to listen. You are going about trying to hatch an egg in all the wrong ways and inevitably someone or something may come to harm. It seems that you have gone to great lengths (to the best of your ability) to end up with a chick, but you have to learn to crawl before you can walk. The best thing BYC can offer you is information. Listen to the advice that others are giving you and join the 4H club at your school. That will give you so much experience and enable you to see and use real equipment, understand how it works and why it is necessary. You will learn about chicks as well as other animals and what they need in order to thrive. You will then be able to see your goal through from egg to chick to chicken carefully and thoroughly and be most proud of what you have accomplished without burning your house down. You are obviously smart (need to work on your grammer a bit) and have a good heart...use it for good.

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