This is our first set of eggs we are hatching, I have havabotor, and I have struggled to find a accurate thermometer. for about 4 days,day 3 - 7, my incubator was running at 101.3 - 101.8, it was brutal to regulate down to 99.7 - 100.4. I candled the eggs at day 9 1/2 and i found that a majority of the eggs seemed like there was a large dark mass with a good air cell, my question is ; all the pictures i have seen of day 10 the mass does not seem as large , i also struggled to see veining or movement. The eggs are all colored light brown to dark brown, no white
SO is my flashlight not bright enough or did the higher temp speed up incubation and if so what is the eggs doomed ??
SO is my flashlight not bright enough or did the higher temp speed up incubation and if so what is the eggs doomed ??