Candling on day 3, can someone take a quick look please?


Jun 7, 2022
Not sure if the candling light is bright enough to see what’s going on, it’s the built in LEDs the incubator has. Just want a quick opinion if these look okay for a couple days in.

The incubator holds all eggs the right way up (pointy side down).

I turn them Throughout the day by twisting them about 90º-180º, keeping the pointy end down. Also trying to twist them in opposite directions each time (so alternate between clockwise and anticlockwise).

am I doing this Right? Thanks.


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Not sure. Mine were on their side throughout incubation/I had an auto turner. I’m not sure why you’d turn clockwise and then counterclockwise as that puts them back in the same position.

As far as candling, (imo) you’d be better off doing each one individually through the fatter/rounder side and just using a flashlight
Not sure. Mine were on their side throughout incubation/I had an auto turner. I’m not sure why you’d turn clockwise and then counterclockwise as that puts them back in the same position.

As far as candling, (imo) you’d be better off doing each one individually through the fatter/rounder side and just using a flashlight
Okay thanks. So how would you turn the eggs if the incubator held them all in the same upright position?
Okay thanks. So how would you turn the eggs if the incubator held them all in the same upright position?
yes, you want to shift them from side to side (tilt somewhat right, come back 3 hours later and tilt the other way slightly, repeat every few hours) if you can to ensure they don't stick to the side of the egg. It doesn't need to be a lot, just enough to move things around a bit.
yes, you want to shift them from side to side (tilt somewhat right, come back 3 hours later and tilt the other way slightly, repeat every few hours) if you can to ensure they don't stick to the side of the egg. It doesn't need to be a lot, just enough to move things around a bit.
Yes, tilting is what you want in this model, twisting won't do much to eggs on their ends.
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Too early to see yet,

That's the point, you don't want the chalzea to twist.You're just supposed to turn them enough so the embryos don't stick.
So are you saying I am correct? (Sorry if I’m being dumb!) thank you.
Hey guys so looks like we’ve got at least four out of the nine. One was not fertilised and the other four I’m not sure if they’ve died.

Hey guys d’you think this one looks okay? It’s been trying to get out for about 12 hours now. I’ve put some wet paper towel in there to raise the humidity because I was worried the membrane was drying out. Another one hatched yesterday and only took two hours.

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