Canine attack injury questions

They seem to be doing OK.

The surviving duck, Barni, is standing up and moving around more today--which is an improvement. She is losing feathers and down around some of her wounds on her back--maybe there were some abrasions that I didn't see before, or maybe she is picking the feathers off where the skin is irritated. Not sure. She gets angry with me and nips my hand quite hard when I am applying neosporin--which I take as a good sign.

The drake is doing about the same--he walks, swims & moves well. OK appetite. He seems pretty strong.

Appetites on both have gotten a little better. The wounds look OK. No visible pus, no off smells, they look clean.

Thank you all for your support. Thanks for the info and prayers, Amiga, we appreciate it. Thanks for the lead on the Baytril, Miss Lydia--very helpful, I was wondering how I'd get a hold of it. And it is encouraging to know that other ducks have survived these types of wounds, sarbee, thanks.

I stopped by our Alderman's office (our city council member) to report the incident.
Great news.. now to catch the killers, or they will be back.
That's great news! If they're able to get around, eating, drinking and pooping then they're well on their way to getting better!
I had a beautiful appleyard drake that got attacked once and survived by hiding with only a few feathers missing, then only to get attacked again 2 weeks after (the day he was allowed back out) and not survive after 3 days. I went and got him euthanized since I couldn't do it myself (to a local vet office). He was much worse off and was missing feathers, muscle tissue and by the end had no movement in his legs

Anyway, I'm glad yours are doing well! Hope that whatever did this gets caught!

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