
No scabs at all from what I can see. She definitely doesn’t. It does smell. I can order API general cure which I’ve read has metronidazole in it but it’ll take a week or more to get here and costs $60 by time it’s shipped. No pet stores carry it and when I called they told me I had to get it from a vet. Well a vet won’t give it to me without a visit there with the chicken for an exam. She’s been eating but her crop doesn’t feel full like it normally does after she eats. Unless she’s just picking it up and it falls out of her mouth. There’s food on the ground of where she is. I have her some unsweetened apple sauce which I’m pretty sure she ate some of.

She’s just kicking her bowl of food around. I think she’s mad being in there. She books it for the door every time I open it.
If it is canker, I would try to get the metronidazole from Amazon. Or call a vet and beg for it without brinking in the chicken. Many people cull chickens who develop canker, to keep it spreading through a flock. I would sanitize all waterers and feeders, and prevent the chickens from drinking any water not in a feeder.
If it is canker, I would try to get the metronidazole from Amazon. Or call a vet and beg for it without brinking in the chicken. Many people cull chickens who develop canker, to keep it spreading through a flock. I would sanitize all waterers and feeders, and prevent the chickens from drinking any water not in a feeder.

I washed the waterers out with soap and water and then let them air dry overnight before filling with copper sulfate and acv this morning. I don’t think I have anything on hand right now to sanitize. Just vinegar maybe but no bleach or disinfecting wipes.
See this is where I don’t know what to do. If it happens that the other birds aren’t infected then I bring her back in they will be. From the sounds of it because they share the same waterer they probably already have been. Even if just one of them was they’ll pass it to the others and I won’t know until another breakout happens. She’s a good chicken. Big mama I call her cause she’s too bird in the flock but a nice one.
I washed the waterers out with soap and water and then let them air dry overnight before filling with copper sulfate and acv this morning. I don’t think I have anything on hand right now to sanitize. Just vinegar maybe but no bleach or disinfecting wipes.
See this is where I don’t know what to do. If it happens that the other birds aren’t infected then I bring her back in they will be. From the sounds of it because they share the same waterer they probably already have been. Even if just one of them was they’ll pass it to the others and I won’t know until another breakout happens. She’s a good chicken. Big mama I call her cause she’s top bird in the flock but a nice one.
I just don’t know how she would have gotten this. I’ve never seen a pigeon or a dove on our property let alone drinking from the water at the same time. I just read an website blog that says it’s direct contact with the infected bird. They’d have to be drinking the water at the same time? Or any other wild bird really we have small brown ones that will come down and take some food once all the chickens are done and there’s some on the ground.

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