Cannibalism in the incubator!?


Apr 29, 2020
Hi, I have chicks hatching, one hatched has a raw navel and another chick is eating it! Has anybody experienced this and would you recommend opening the incubator and removing the chick that is being eaten or will that cause the other 20 something eggs to be shrink wrapped?
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Hi, I have chicks hatching, one hatched has a raw navel and another chick is eating it! Has anybody experienced this and would you recommend opening the incubator and removing the check that is being eaten or will that cause the other 20 something eggs to be shrink wrapped?
Definitely remove the pecker! It will kill it in short order otherwise. Do it quick, your other eggs will be fine.
Take out the injured chick! If the injured one is still there when the next chick hatches, it may well do the same thing...see the injury and peck at it. Take out the hurt one, get it dried, and dab a bit of Vetricin (sp) on the wound...or maybe Neosporin.
thank you all. I removed and separated both all is well. No issues that I noticed with shrink wrapped chicks
Good. Keep us posted. Pictures are always welcome. Shrink-wrap isn't's not like one of those machines you vacuum-wrap meat for the freezer in. It takes a bit of time. I know, I was worried too, but a lot of the things you read about here and worry about aren't as common as it might seem. We're all learning, all the time. Hugs to you and your new babies!

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