Canning and Home preserving

There is no reason that you couldn't make a relish using dill pickles. My point is that the types of "sweet relish" that @BullChick and I make taste nothing like the sweet relishes that you know. You might be pleasantly surprised if you could try some. My green tomato relish uses no pickles of any kind. Because my version has a lower ratio of onion plus different spices, it tastes different from what Bullchick makes.
I see your point. But, I just don't like sweet anything on meat. I don't like sweet and sour, for example, even in a very good Chinese restaurant. No Hawaiian pineapple chicken for this girl, and definitely no pineapple on my pizza!!! :sick And if my syrup touches my eggs, I'm done. :lau
I see your point. But, I just don't like sweet anything on meat. I don't like sweet and sour, for example, even in a very good Chinese restaurant. No Hawaiian pineapple chicken for this girl, and definitely no pineapple on my pizza!!! :sick And if my syrup touches my eggs, I'm done. :lau
Everyone has different tastes. I can't tolerate raw onions and that is nothing compared to the absolutely disgusting cooked spinach.
Everyone has different tastes. I can't tolerate raw onions and that is nothing compared to the absolutely disgusting cooked spinach.

I remember my mom making me sit at the kitchen table 'til who-knows-when because I wouldn't eat my spinach from dinner. Now, I like spinach. Prefer it raw, but I have a great recipe for spinach pie that we totally enjoy.
I remember my mom making me sit at the kitchen table 'til who-knows-when because I wouldn't eat my spinach from dinner. Now, I like spinach. Prefer it raw, but I have a great recipe for spinach pie that we totally enjoy.
As a child, I was such a good eater that I was not forced to eat anything that I disliked. Raw spinach is wonderful. My stomach revolted at the thought of spinach pie. Glad you like it but...
As a child, I was such a good eater that I was not forced to eat anything that I disliked. Raw spinach is wonderful. My stomach revolted at the thought of spinach pie. Glad you like it but...

Feta cheese, pine nuts, etc., wrapped in phyllo dough, baked in the oven in a cast iron skillet ... ???

Lots of butter ... ???

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