Canning and Home preserving

My mom would visit her sisrers, her mom, and they would all chatter happily like birds in this language none of us kids knew.... Spanish! So beautiful. But they never taught it to us kids. They were forbidden to speak it at the mission school and weren't supposd to speak it at home either. So they didn't teach it to us. We had no stories, no memories, no heritage, no culture, no roots. When people ask me what I am, I say American.. race ? HUMAN. Ethnicity? AMERICAN. Culture? AGING HIPPIE. I know I have roots though. The first time I saw flamenco dancers I almost came out of my seat! I felt I knew how to do that! It stirred my blood like nothing ever has before or since! It's in the blood!
South America.
Am I close?
This is an awesome video. Reminds me of when I first started canning. I canned anything and everything I could get my hands on because I wanted to learn. Learning is great, but we never even ate 1/4 of what I canned. I wasted so much money on all of that stuff, so now 3-4 years later guess who needs to follow her first advice and clean out my pantry :oops: Every winter I tell myself I am going to get it done an never do. I have off Monday so I am going to make this a priority. While embarrassing I will take a pic of all the jars to share as an example to all of you just starting out canning on how not to do it :th
okay off track again this is my Ham and Bean soup make it tomorrow probably have different stuff than todays

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