Canning and Home preserving

Deep breath.... I would dump them out in a bowl and re distribute them in the Jars. They have already been Pre cooked. in the canner. The thing is they are gong to expand more so How ever much the recipe calls for Just put in that much plus the juice. Then re process them. If they are mush then just make refried beans out of them.

Seriously I am surprised they didnt poof up the lids....


Thanks, I'll do that. Yes, I feel very fortunate they sealed and didn't blow their lids! They do look very dry, though. I did do the first part, brought them to a boil and let them set for an hour, so they did expand some. Thing is, the "recipe" does not call for an amount, that's why I'm confused. It just says what to do with the beans, then to fill the jars, leaving a one-inch head space. It's more like instructions than a recipe. This is from the little book that came with the canner. I'll be ordering a complete canning book from Ball very soon.

That is a great idea about the refried beans, thank you! :hugs
Not today, but I canned pinto beans three days running, lol.
How did your beans turn out... second time around... I just bought some very large ham hocks for making ham stock in preparation of canning beans as well. Got to get the shoe prints off the floor in the kitchen first :gig🤪

Finally bought some bar mans friend... for cleaning stuuf .... stainless... I am packing clothes now and eventually packing up the kitchen less the canning stuff.

I have to can until March so once i get started .... I will be in overload mode. Just ordered a book from Georgia Ag Extension Called So Easy to Preserve .... twenty bucks... The one at Amazon was 40 :th Its free if you want a pdf by the way. Though I want to be able to use postit notes and make notes....

OH and By the way.... those books are a pain to lay down for reference... All mine are paperback.... Office depot will take the book remove the binding and Spriral bind it for just a few bucks.

I am trotting my favorites down to Office Depot soons I have enough energy.... ::Snort::

Oh and I got the History of preserving book and the Ancient one that R2elk got a recipe out of... me loves some old book smell. That one is going into a plastic dust jacket and I am going to scan in recipes that I want...

But I seriously have to get the kitchen straightened around before I can casually mess it up again... Been a Bachelorette all my life.

not me I am in clean the Kitchen mode... I am somewhat disabled so bursts of energy are hard to come by.... My first task will be to make some Hamhock stock for using with beans. Any left over will get canned along with the beans.


I like beans with ham hock's and bacon. I've been a bit lazy after this last hatch a few day's ago.

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