Canning and Home preserving

It took two batches, but I currently have 19 pints of canned green beans in the pantry. Next year I need to plant another row. I’m just not getting enough per picking to fill my canner. Plus it’s been dry, so they’re slow in coming. On the bright side, that’s 19 pints of beans I didn’t have a few weeks ago.

Tomatoes are starting to take off, so I’m going to purée and freeze them in gallon bags to can later.
Thats a good idea. Ive never thought of doing it that way. I'm sure it makes canning day less stressful
Thats a good idea. Ive never thought of doing it that way. I'm sure it makes canning day less stressful
I’ve had to learn to divide and conquer. I work for our local school district and we farm. So quite often, tomatoes, school and harvest are all happening at the same time. I am not Wonder Woman - I can’t do all that at the same time. It works well to pull them out and cook them down or whatever you want to do with them.
I’ve had to learn to divide and conquer. I work for our local school district and we farm. So quite often, tomatoes, school and harvest are all happening at the same time. I am not Wonder Woman - I can’t do all that at the same time. It works well to pull them out and cook them down or whatever you want to do with them.
I know what you mean. My SO seems to think I am Wonder Woman. He doesnt believe me when I say canning is an all day job. I think last year I canned tomatoes, made salsa and canned it all in the same day. Started at 8 am and finished just as he was getting home from work
I know what you mean. My SO seems to think I am Wonder Woman. He doesnt believe me when I say canning is an all day job. I think last year I canned tomatoes, made salsa and canned it all in the same day. Started at 8 am and finished just as he was getting home from work
I am blessed with a man who not only understands that it is an all day job, but also helps me with a lot of it. When I do beans, he trims and cuts them up for me. We do sweet corn together we pick it and peel it, cook it, then I make sure it’s cooled down, he cuts it off the cob, then I scoop and package it. Tomatoes I pretty much do myself, but I’m OK with that. He’s help if I asked.
I am blessed with a man who not only understands that it is an all day job, but also helps me with a lot of it. When I do beans, he trims and cuts them up for me. We do sweet corn together we pick it and peel it, cook it, then I make sure it’s cooled down, he cuts it off the cob, then I scoop and package it. Tomatoes I pretty much do myself, but I’m OK with that. He’s help if I asked.
Honestly I wouldn't want his help. He's not very proficient with a knife and refuses to accept my teaching. He also gets in the way (our kitchen is very small) and if he sees a mess he has to clean it up immediately in the most long and drawn out way. I have banned him from the kitchen when I'm cooking and just do my canning while he's at work. Don't get me wrong, I love him more than anything; he's just as stubborn as I am though. Its easier to not work around him. We work better on other projects together but cooking is not one of them
First try on raspberry jam... it was a no pectin recipe and they warned adamantly to use a very big pot. So I did. (I have some VERY big pots. I picked a medium one.) It was a small batch, didn't foam anyway, and as it turns out, my candy thermometer can't monitor an inch of jam. :lau What a mess.

I finally unilaterally decided the jam had to be done and started putting it in the jars. Then I forgot to add ten minutes to the processing time since I'm a bit over a mile high. 🙄 🤣 🤷‍♀️ Oh well. The jars are at least a little bit sealed and are in the extra fridge. The "jam" is more like a very thick sauce and didn't jell but it's absolutely delish, so it's all good. 😂💕
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