Can't catch my ducks


In the Brooder
May 4, 2018
Hello, I bought a drake and hen that were about a month old last summer. The person who owned them barely even touched them as ducklings. Since then I could barely even catch them. I can get about 2 feet from them now but they still wont let me touch them. I try so hard all the time to catch them but they go crazy and I'm afraid they will break a wind or something. Can you guys help my with this issue. I just hatched their ducklings in an incubator and every time the ducklings see me they run up to me. I want that feeling with my older ducks too Any solutions with fair coming around soon?
I don't have ducks, but I do have chickens. Around 4 years ago, we adopted some 3-month-old pullets from a school. They pretty much hated us at first, but over three months or so, they really bonded with us.
Just to get used to them, we sprinkled some food around and got comfortable with us around. After 2 weeks or so, we put food in our hand. Later (month?), we pet them, and two months later, they would hop on our laps. <3
Hope this is helpful!
Throw some meal worms their way. Then hold some in your hand. You want to crouch down too - as they don't like anyone standing over them.
Talk to them in a sweet voice too. Always announce yourself and when you feed them mealworms say some word that will help them associate it with yummies.
Also, you can keep mealworms in a container and shake it, then call them - I would do that once they get used to you.
If they have never had mealworms, it might take a bit before they try it. Ducks like routine and are leary of new things.
Good luck! :frow
You have to be calm and easy around them. Sudden movements or exaggerated movements will startle them. Sit down near them and hand feed them treats. You may have to toss treats to get them closer day by day until they will eat out of your hand. It will take time to gain their trust (if ever).

If possible, let them see you interacting with the ducks that like you. Ducks are more likely to approach a person, place, or object other ducks are safely interacting with (that is why decoys work so well, the ducks assume it is safe if they see a duck already there).
You have to be calm and easy around them. Sudden movements or exaggerated movements will startle them. Sit down near them and hand feed them treats. You may have to toss treats to get them closer day by day until they will eat out of your hand. It will take time to gain their trust (if ever).

If possible, let them see you interacting with the ducks that like you. Ducks are more likely to approach a person, place, or object other ducks are safely interacting with (that is why decoys work so well, the ducks assume it is safe if they see a duck already there).
X2. your very duck smart @jmoschner !!!
Hand feed them and stop trying to touch them if they don't want to be touched, don't chase or catch them, this just scares them and makes them dislike you more, you can't force a duck to like you.
I rarely never chase them but when I have them locked up I try to pet one but she just goes crazy. I tried the treat each day thing but they never eat the treat. I have had duck for about 5 years. From mallard to Rouen and the mallards were nice until they flew away...
Do what miss lydia told me to do with fancy cause he acted the same way... sit on the ground at their level with meal worms and let them just get used to you being among them.

They'll come around with a lot of patience and slow work... good thing i had it tough with fancy, made it easy for to be patient with my twins.

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