Can't find emoticons!


16 Years
Apr 15, 2008
I'm sure it should be obvious, but I can't find the emoticons button. I only have a smiley button on the task bar. Would some kind soul point it out to me?
If you click the smiley it opens a box of several different ones
I'm sure it should be obvious, but I can't find the emoticons button. I only have a smiley button on the task bar. Would some kind soul point it out to me?
I believe that their disapearance is part the ongoing problems that have been showing up on this site. The missing emotacons are one symptom, others are not being able to post pictures, not being able to post without going through preview or the full page editor. All these problems seem to come and go at random time. At least they do for me. I believe that they are working on fixing the problem.

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trouble posting emoticons
I cannot post an emoticon that I found elsewhere on my post. How do I do that? I know I did it one other time but it just isnt working. Thanks

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