Can't fly??? What's wrong?


7 Years
Oct 26, 2012
She can't even fly as high as my knee... She had pneamonia about two weeks ago. She was gasping for breath about two weeks ago so I had her inside and kept her warm and her breathing is normal now. She's put with the other birds now.. She can walk and run she eats and drinks, she just can't fly. She only hops... She's not too stable on her feet yet but she runs around with the big birds alright. She's quite tired but its cold and get body is working hard... It's to be expected. What's wrong does she have a disease or something.., I don't want to hear that I should cull her because she isn't in pain!
Your right though she probably just needs to regain her strength I'm just being a worry mother ;) thx
She died
I'm so sorry!!!! :(

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