Can't get a permit to build coop - building any ways

can you make an area inside you stable into a coop? So you would only have to cut a small opening to let the chickens in and out. You get accsess to the area / coop through the stable/ barn. I will build my henhouse in the garage with the opening to the outside run through an old door.
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Ice fishing shack! GREAT idea. I am on an island, and people do ice fish around here
We built out here in 1999 and they had no zoning in our county. Some time around 2004 they zoned us residential and grouped us with Mc Mansions far away toward civilization.

This is the first I had heard about the zoning and apparently horses are OK, for now, but poultry are not. I have had ducks on this property before the zoning so in my head I should be grand fathered in.

I am concerned about getting a shed permit now that we have already had a discussion about chickens but the guy at the county office did say he didn't care if I had chickens but he just couldn't give me a permit to build a coop.

I just can't decide whether to lay low and get no permit or go for the shed permit when they know darn well I am sticking chickens in there.

I love the Ice fishing shack idea, do you have a Mississippi equivalent, we don't get ice down here?
sounds like that guy was trying to tell you something
that he just couldnt give a permit for a "coop". I say go for the shed permit and see what happens, all they can do is say no. I knew a guy who couldnt get a permit so he built it in the middle of the night.

We had so much development around here that my dad and a few others had their land zoned agricultural so it can never be developed. Some special government program.
So the zoning thing must be due to noise from roosters???
I would get the rules in writing then go from there. In addition, you probably wouldn't need a permit if the building is not on a foundation.

This is some good input. Often the zoning rules are about 'poultry' and have nothing to do with roosters or noise.
Usually it has to do with the supposed "filth" associated with chickens. I can have them in the city where I live, but there are guidleines about proximity to dwellings and so forth. WE know they dont have to be nasty, but most NON-CHICKEN people put them and funk together in the same breath.

A non-permanent coop is definitely the way to go and I stick by my suggestion that it not look like a coop, at all.​
msp what county, if it doesn't have plumbed water, hard wire elec, and has dirt floor you shouldn't need a permit. or if it's "portable" if you can drag it around on skids. I'm in hinds but in ag zone.
Hey! I'm in Mississippi, too. Where are you?

I would use the suggestion about using something portable.

That's weird about the covenants. I don't entirely understand how covenants work. But it seems grossly unfair to me that you would be subjected to the terms of a covenant that was put in place after you bought the property. Anyway, you ought to be able to hide some chickens on three acres.

Hmm... the Mississippi equivilent of an ice shack... Do you have an old beat up Jeep that you could use?


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