Can't hold up head

boscobabe 53

In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 22, 2014
Hi I have a Silkie rooster. He can't always hold his head up and his neck is crooked. He is around 10 months and he has been vaccinated when I got him. Can anyone help?
He may have a neurological condition called torticolis or wry neck. Can you post a picture? It can occur due to a head injury, a vitamin deficiency, or in certain diseases where there is brain inflammation. Silkies may be prone to head injuries due to some having a vaulted skull. How long has he had this. Vitamins especially thiamine (B1) vitamin E, and selenium may be given. Some poultry vitamins contain selenium, but if they don't you can give some egg, canned tuna, or sunflower seeds for selenium. Poultry Cell by Rooster Booster and Poultry Nutri-Drench contain all of those. Here are some links to read about wry neck and vitamin dosages:

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