Can't see into my eggs!


Eye see you...
11 Years
May 17, 2008
Here, there, and everywhere...
I have 3 Marans and 7 EE eggs in my bator than I cannot see into. They are on day 12 right now.
I am nervous they could be gone and I wouldn't know it. The EE eggs are olive green and blue, I can't see crud in those eggs when I candle.

Would they smell if they were bad? Is the smell strong?
You will be able to tell. I have decided not to candle any of my eggs.. Makes me less of a nervous wreck! LOL

I had one bad egg that I could smell a mile away, and it only took a minute or two to find it and dispose of it...
I can never see into my Ameraucana eggs, and even one of my BR hens that lays a darker brown is pretty much impossible. You just have to go on faith, and yes- if they are bad you will smell it WAY before they explode.

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